

Dr. Li-Chiang Lin, Yushan Young Fellow Annual Report

玉山青年學者 發布單位:國立臺灣大學 點閱次數:48
核定年度:110年(2021)/研究成果年度:112年(2023) /學術領域:工學/學者名稱:林立強


Water scarcity and global warming have become two of the most prominent challenges of our time. Developing new technologies, particularly through discoveries of novel materials such as metal-organic frameworks and zeolites, to enable more energy-efficient processes to help resolve these challenges is therefore of urgent importance. These materials possess several desirable properties such as selective adsorption and permeation, thus making them potential adsorbents or membranes. The Lin group seeks to identify promising nanoporous materials as adsorbents to harvest atmospheric water and membranes for desalination and alcohol/water separation. Over the past three years, the Lin group has identified various potential candidates. For instance, as shown in the photo, Prof. Lin was invited to give a presentation on his recent studies of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for harvesting atmospheric water. The Lin group has also achieved atomic-level insights into the rational design of better adsorbents and membranes. New methods have been developed as well, such as a recently reported approach to more effectively and efficiently compute adsorption isotherms of gas mixtures in porous materials. A complete list of achievements can be seen from the full report. Overall, the Lin group is on the right track to achieve their goal.