核定年度:111年(2022)/ 研究成果年度:113年(2024)
/ 學術領域:生命科學及農學/ 學者名稱:林裕䕒
Participatory stock assessment in West Java contributes to the management of glass eel fisheries in Indonesia.
The team applied a participatory stock assessment in West Java, Indonesia on the glass eel fisheries. The result was promising, able to estimate the exploitation rate and natural mortality. This model has the potential to be applied to other regions in Indonesia. This study is published in a SCI journal Marine Policy.
團隊應用參與式調查方法評估西爪哇島的鰻線漁業,並成功估計此漁業對於資源影響指標(開發率及自然死亡率)數值。此參與式研究方法,望可應用在印尼其他地區以評估鰻線資源量及漁業開發壓力。 已發表在SCI 國際期刊 ” Marine Policy”。
Following the decline of Japanese eel catches and the EU European eel trade ban, other regions, such as Southeast Asia, have become increasingly important sources of juvenile anguillid species for quaculture. Although appropriate fishery management of tropical eel species is urgently required, data collection by the government or scientific authorities is extremely difficult, because tropical glass eel fisheries are small-scale fisheries conducted in the Global South, where expertise and resources are sometimes limited. To collect data on glass eel fisheries, participatory stock assessments were conducted in West Java, Indonesia, where a Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) and an Aquaculture Improvement Project (AIP) were launched in collaboration with industries, middlemen, fishermen, NGOs, national and local agencies, and scientists. This participatory study successfully collected data on more than 3000 daily fishing practices from approximately 400 fishermen in a single water system in 2019. Even though the assessment was not species-specific, the data collected allowed estimation of the natural mortality rate as being 0.011 day− 1. The annual exploitation rate of the glass eel isheries was estimated as 24.9%, based on a generalised depletion model developed for the datalimited situation where only fishery catch and effort data are available. The data collection scheme for glass eel fisheries was disseminated by local and national agencies to glass eel fishermen in Indonesia and contributed to developing the Eel Conservation National Action Plan.