

Dangerous liaisons: Endogenous networks in conflict in Syria

玉山青年學者 發布單位:國立臺灣大學 點閱次數:6
核定年度:107年(2018)/研究成果年度:112年(2023) /學術領域:社會科學/學者名稱:謝志昇


Adopting a network perspective, we delve into the intricate conflict in Syria, which involves numerous fragmented groups that are interconnected through a complex web of alliances and rivalries. To analyze this network, we leverage a unique dataset that captures the relationships between militant groups operating in the conflict. To analyze this network, we leverage a unique dataset that captures the relationships between militant groups operating in the conflict. We construct and structurally estimate a model in which multiple groups strategically choose their fighting efforts, and we model the endogenous network formation process. Using counterfactual analysis, we examine the impact of various shocks and policy interventions on the conflict’s intensity and on the war outcomes.