

Photovoltaic Energy Harvesting and Control Development

玉山青年學者 發布單位:國立臺灣大學 點閱次數:20
核定年度:107年(2018)/研究成果年度:112年(2023) /學術領域:工學/學者名稱:金藝璘


Prof. Kim’s research has also made significant strides in PV energy harvesting and control, mainly focusing on integrating solar PV power into emerging technologies like wearables. Her innovative approach to energy harvesting emphasizes low power consumption while achieving high efficiency and responsive control, a testament to her ability to navigate and bridge the complexities of power electronics with emerging real-world applications.

A prime example of this work was published in an article entitled "Evaluation of Power Maximization and Curtailment Control Methods for Converters in Wearable Photovoltaic Energy Harvesting Applications" (IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics, vol. 3, pp. 508-520, Aug. 2022), which delves into the challenges posed by variable light intensities and movement, proposing an adaptive converter configuration designed to thrive under such fluctuating conditions. The proposed power maximization and curtailment strategies significantly improved the critical factors of output power and temperature regulation. The figure illustrates the advancements achieved through Prof. Kim's research in control methods for PV energy harvesting applications. It showcases the effectiveness of her curtailment control algorithm, highlighting its ability to respond to changing conditions while maximizing energy capture. This recent publication has laid the groundwork for future exploration and implementation of PV energy harvesting in emerging technology spaces.