

玉山學者 許博炫教授_智慧財產, 創新經濟與環境可持續性之相關研究

玉山學者 發布單位:國立清華大學 點閱次數:336
核定年度:111年(2022)/研究成果年度:111年(2022) /學術領域:社會科學/學者名稱:許博炫


許教授在本學年度之智慧財產, 創新經濟與社會公平的相關研究已被接受於以下頂尖期刊:

  1. “Pay transparency and inventor productivity: Evidence from state-level pay secrecy laws gender gap,” with Huasheng Gao and Jin Zhang, RAND Journal of Economics, accepted in July, 2023.
  2. “The gender gap in the ownership of promising land premium,” with C. Y. Cyrus Chu and Yi-Ting Wang, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), accepted in April 2023, published in July 2023.
  3. “Director job security and corporate innovation,” with Yiqing Lu, Hong Wu and Yuhai Xuan”, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, accepted in October 2022.


Taiwan Symposium on Innovation Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2023 March


Taiwan Symposium on Innovation Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2023 April