

Endogenous Technology Spillovers in R&D Collaboration Networks

玉山青年學者 發布單位:國立臺灣大學 點閱次數:366
核定年度:107年(2018)/研究成果年度:110年(2021) /學術領域:社會科學/學者名稱:謝志昇


在此研究計畫中,我們提出一個隨機網絡形成理論模型來解釋廠商如何選 擇研發(R&D) 合作對象及研發投入程度,以及合作所產生的技術外溢效 果。此模型所推導出來的理論性質可以解釋許多現實世界中研發網絡可被 觀察到的現象,例如研發合作數目及研發投入程度均呈幕次 (power law)分配,以及研發網絡所呈現的巢狀結構。另外我們也發展出一套估計方法可以用來估計此理論模型對應的實證結構模型,並利用此實證結構模型的 估計結果來進行研發合作成本補貼的反事實政策研究分析。

We introduce a stochastic R&D network formation model where firms choose both R&D efforts and their collaboration partners. Neighbors in the network benefit from each other’s effort levels through local technology spillovers, and there exists a global competition effect reflecting strategic substitutability in efforts. We provide a complete equilibrium characterization in the form of a Gibbs measure and show that the model is consistent with empirically observed R&D networks. We then use our equilibrium characterization to show that the model can be conveniently estimated even for large networks. The policy relevance is demonstrated with the analysis of subsidies to R&D collaboration costs.

