

Wave Dark Matter

玉山青年學者 發布單位:國立臺灣大學 點閱次數:187
核定年度:107年(2018)/研究成果年度:110年(2021) /學術領域:理學/學者名稱:薛熙于


We have successfully constructed the world's first three-dimensional Milky Way-sized fuzzy dark matter (FDM) halo with an FDM particle mass of (2-8)*10-23 eV and a halo virial mass of 1012 M⊙, an order of magnitude more massive than the previous most massive FDM halos in the literature. This task is extremely computationally expensive and is achieved by taking advantage of both mesh refinement and GPU acceleration using 32 V100 GPUs on the Taiwania II supercomputer at the National Center for Highperformance Computing (NCHC). We have also successfully simulated the evolution of this halo, especially the random motion of its central solitonic core, over the age of the universe. These important breakthroughs pave the way for several follow-up projects to scrutinize the FDM scenario.

