


玉山青年學者 發布單位:國立中山大學 點閱次數:266
核定年度:108年(2019)/研究成果年度:110年(2021) /學術領域:生命科學及農學/學者名稱:傅瀚儀


溫泉紅藻的光合作用調節機制    Regulatory mechanisms in photosynthesis of extremophilic red algae

  1. 進行溫泉紅藻光合作用保護機制分析。Analysis of protective mechanisms in photosynthesis of extremophilic red algae.
  2. 利用電致變色量測探討溫泉紅藻光合作用調節機制。Investigating the photosynthetic regulatory mechanisms of the acidothermophilic red algae using the electrochromic shift-based measurements.
  3. 發表光系統二生合成機制的研究論文。Publishing a research paper concerning the biogenesis mechanism of photosystem II.
  4. 發表光系統二突變株恢復光自營能力機制的研究論文。Publishing a research paper concerning the mechanism underlying the recovery of photoautotrophic capacity in photosystem II mutants.


Benefiting from the funding and support of the Yushan Young Scholar Project and of NSYSU, the photosynthesis laboratory has been established with the installation of specialized instruments. The laboratory aims at understanding the regulatory mechanisms in photosynthesis of extremophilic red algae under different light conditions, focusing on cyanidiophytes isolated in Taiwan and containing unique photosynthetic apparatus. During the third year of the project, the molecular mechanisms underlying the photoprotective nonphotochemical quenching has been investigated, and their possible involvement with energetic decoupling of phycobilisomes from photosystem II and with energetic spillover to photosystem I was explored. The amplitude of light-induced electrochromic shift was dependent on the existing membrane potential in cyanidiophytes, and this result provides the basis for further research on the photosynthetic regulatory mechanisms of the acidothermophilic red algae. Two research papers were published in high-impact journals in the field of plant biology. One paper involves collaborative work with German research groups and demonstrates that the availability of two photosystem II subunits did not limit the biogenesis of photosystem II. The other paper, accomplished through the collaboration with a research group at Academia Sinica, reveals that tandem amplification of the functional deficient mutated genes encoding photosystem II subunits recovered photoautotrophic capability of the mutant strains.

