


玉山青年學者 發布單位:國立中山大學 點閱次數:275
核定年度:107年(2018)/研究成果年度:109年(2020) /學術領域:理學/學者名稱:廖軒宏


Revolutionizing asymmetric synthesis: From photocatalysis to iterative synthesis


We live in a chiral world. Chirality is often required in small molecules because the chemical complementarity between these molecules and their specific reaction sites (i.e. chiral receptor or enzyme) typically show a high degree of selectivity in action. Thus, from the stereochemical point of view, if only one of the enantiomers is therapeutically active, the other isomer should be regarded as an impurity, and may even cause undesired side effects. Clearly it is important to consider stereochemistry in drug design at an early stage and so to meet the emerging demand for chiral molecules, we require a method for asymmetric synthesis that combines rapid assembly and precise stereochemical control. We now propose a fundamentally new strategy which has the potential to revolutionize how we conduct asymmetric synthesis of chiral molecules, being both step-economical (iterative synthesis) and environmentally benign (photocatalysis). This will provide considerable efficiency savings in terms of manpower, chemicals and waste generated. The proposed research will involve a collaborative network of chemistry, photophysics, computational chemistry and chemical biology in order to realize a new synthetic methodology for the asymmetric synthesis of complex molecules, and to define their potential applications in drug design and chemical biology.

1) 廖軒宏老師研究小組自1088月成立以來,目前實驗室成功招募並訓練37名研究人員,其中包含:助理教授一員、博士後研究兩員(一員台灣籍一員印度籍)、博士生五員、碩士生十四員、大學生十一員、實習生一員、交換生兩員、研究助理一員。

2) 目前實驗室研究方向首先著重在可見光催化反應,利用大自然中豐沛的可見光當作化學能量取代傳統的高壓高熱反應,使之成為我們所可以利用的能源,為未來化學永續經營盡一份心力。

3) 我們在實驗室培訓中規劃了完整的訓練過程,藉由計畫內學到的知識將能拓展年輕化學家對有機化學的掌握度。擬議培訓計畫更能讓參加的研究成員獲得其他方面的軟實力,這些都是年輕學者成為一個獨立優秀科學家必經的成長路徑。我們期待這些成果能吸引並培訓更多年輕人參與科學研究進而提高臺灣科學的競爭力,為臺灣經濟和所有臺灣人的生活品質帶來長期效益。

