

玉山學者 許博炫教授_智慧財產, 創新經濟與環境可持續性之相關研究

玉山學者 發布單位:國立清華大學 點閱次數:790
核定年度:108年(2019)/研究成果年度:110年(2021) /學術領域:社會科學/學者名稱:許博炫


許博炫教授在本學年度之智慧財產, 創新經濟與環境可持續性的相關研究已被接受並將會發表於以下國科會頂尖期刊: Journal of Finance, Management Science, Journal of International Economics, and Research Policy

1. “The pollution premium,” with Kai Li (PKU) and Chi-Yang Tsou, Journal of Finance, forthcoming, 2022.

2.“Patent thickets, stock returns, and conditional CAPM,” with Hsiao-Hui Lee and Tong Zhou, Management Science, forthcoming, 2021.

3. “Currency volatility and global technological innovation,”with Mark P. Taylor, Zigan Wang, and Qi Xu, Journal of International Economics, forthcoming, 2022.

4. “Staggered boards and product innovations: Evidence from Massachusetts State Bill HB 5640,”by I-Ju Chen, Po-Hsuan Hsu, and Yanzhi Wang, Research Policy, forthcoming, 2022.

Taiwan Symposium on Innovation Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2022 March

Taiwan Symposium on Innovation Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2022 April

