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Program Results

Professor Harry Harding _ Annual Report (2018)

Yushan FellowIssued by:National Chengchi UniverserityNumber of click-through:445
Year of approval:2018/Year of research results:2018 /Academic field:Social Sciences/Scholar name:Harry Harding

Introduction to the event

Professor Harding has been appointed as a short-term Yushan Scholar since August 1, 2018. During his stay in Taiwan, his main projects includes teaching, research, and promoting academic exchanges, as described below:

  1. College of Social Sciences and others colleges in NCCU:
    1. In the first semester of the 107 academic year, Professor Harding taught one-credit course for the Asia-Pacific Studies Program.
    2. In 2018 assisted IDAS to host an international seminar and act as the keynote speaker of the seminar.
    3. Assist the College of Social Sciences to establish a formal academic exchange relationship with the College of Humanities and Sciences of the University of Virginia.
    4. Participated in many activities held by the College of International Affairs, Institute of International Relations, International College of Innovation and other units, including lectures, conference and short courses.
    5. Assist NCCU to establish relationship with the University of Virginia in order to accommodate exchange of teachers and students between two universities.
  2. Other academic activities

During his stay in Taiwan, Professor Harding was also invited by other universities, academics, governments, and professional institutions to participate in conferences or give lectures.

Relevant attachments

Professor Harry Harding _ Annual Report (2018)