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Program Results

Yushan Fellow Program Performance Report

Yushan Young FellowIssued by:National Chengchi UniverserityNumber of click-through:13
Year of approval:2020/Year of research results:2023 /Academic field:Social Sciences/Scholar name:Chen, Jen-Hao

Introduction to the event

Professor Chen continues to utilize a variety of data sources and statistical and research methods to deeply explore issues related to "social relationships, social structure, and health." In his fourth year of tenure, he published three research papers in internationally renowned SSCI journals (Social Science Research, Journal of Gerontology Series B, and Journal of Youth and Adolescence). His new research project, " How Does Marriage Gets under the Skin: Do Different-Sex and Same-Sex Couples Differ?" has also received funding from the National Science Council as part of the Excellent Young Scholars Program and is currently underway. The integrated project he leads, funded by the National Science Council, " Structural Marginalization, Health, and Human Development among Urban-Dwelling Indigenous Taiwanese: A Community Engagement Approach" continues into its second year of data collection, with two papers developed from this project under review in internationally recognized journals. Additionally, this year, Professor Chen has not only continued to serve on the editorial board of the internationally recognized SSCI journal "Sociology of Health and Illness" but has also been invited to be an editorial board member for two other important international journals, "Social Science and Medicine" and "Journal of Aging and Social Policy." Furthermore, Professor Chen continues to serve as the coordinator of the ETP program at the College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University, responsible for planning the college's EMI courses and enhancing the college's internationalization level. He has offered four courses at National Chengchi University, emphasizing interdisciplinary learning, including two courses taught in English. At the same time, he has also mentored master's and doctoral students, formed research teams, and actively guided students in conducting research and writing academic papers for TSSCI/SSCI journals, with two master's students successfully passing their thesis defenses.