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Program Results

Year-3 Report of Yushan Young Fellow Hsiang-Yi Karen Yang

Yushan Young FellowIssued by:National Tsing Hua UniversityNumber of click-through:173
Year of approval:2019/Year of research results:2022 /Academic field:Sciences/Scholar name:Hsiang-Yi (Karen) Yang

Introduction to the event

During Year 3, our team continues to investigate the feedback effects of relativistic jets ejected by supermassive black holes. We performed numerical simulations including high-energy cosmic-ray (CR) particles, and compared the impacts of black-hole jets with different CR composition on the evolution of galaxy clusters. We found that jets dominated by CR electrons and CR protons, despite their very different heating and cooling properties, have similar dynamical and heating effects on the gas within clusters. Therefore, to distinguish jets with different compositions still requires other observational techniques such as the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect. This result has been published in Lin et al. 2023, MNRAS, 520, 963.

In addition to the above, this year Prof. Yang has published 2 journal articles and 1 conference proceedings, trained 8 students and young scholars, and gave 6 invited talks in international conferences and 5 invited public lectures. Prof. Yang’s contributions have also been recognized through the NSTC Ta-You Wu Memorial Award, TPS Outstanding Young Physicist Award, and NCTS Young Theoretical Scholar Award.

Public lecture by Prof. Yang at the Astronomy Club at National Tsing Hua University.