Program Results
Year-4 Report of Yushan Young Scholar Prof Wei-Peng Li
Introduction to the event
Successfully established liposome fusion-induced membrane exchange technology and applied this technology to obtain electrochemically active vesicles from electricity-producing Shewanella bacteria. Through cooperation, we developed electrochemically active membrane-coated nanoparticles, demonstrating outstanding derivative applications in enhanced radiotherapy (Nature Nanotechnology, 2023, 18, 1492-1501) and up-conversion fluorescence sensors (Advanced Materials, 2024, 2404120). Moreover, a joint cross-school press event has been held, and domestic media have obtained reports. Furthermore, I led graduate students to participate in the 13th International Colloids Conference for overseas demonstrations to expand the exposure of this technology and develop potential partners. Two graduate students have also planned to study doctoral courses overseas to continue the development of related technologies.