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Program Results

2023 Annual report of Yushan Young scholar Prof Kuan-Ju Lu

Yushan Young FellowIssued by:National Chung Hsing UniversityNumber of click-through:182
Year of approval:2020/Year of research results:2022 /Academic field:Agriculture and Life Sciences/Scholar name:Kuan-Ju Lu

Introduction to the event

A. Using dyes, fluorescent proteins, and gene guns, we tested the characteristics of protein transport 
in Arabidopsis. Surprisingly, the protein transport in Arabidopsis was found to be less efficient than 
predicted. We are currently actively investigating the regulatory mechanisms of protein transport 
through the native cytoplasmic streaming and their similarity to known phenomena in vascular plants. 

B. To understand how viruses utilize the native cytoplasmic streaming for movement, we established 
a biotin labeling system. With this system, we have isolated approximately 200 target genes that may 
be associated with viral movement proteins. Currently, we are testing the positive correlation with 
viral movement for five high-potential genes and obtain one promising candidate gene that affects 
the movement of virus. We will soon proceed to further understand the mechanism behind the 

C. To gain further insights into the possible mechanisms influencing viral movement around the native 
cytoplasmic streaming, we set up a more advanced native cytoplasmic streaming separation system. 
This system is now combined with the biotin labeling system, and we are currently analyzing the genes 
that might be involved in viral protein movement within the native cytoplasmic streaming. 

Fig 1: A 10-day-old Marchantia polymorpha plant 


Fig 2: In Marchantia polymorpha, we observed a gradual increase of red fluorescence after the induction of conversion.


Fig 3: Single-cell photo-conversion. Photo-conversion was induced in three different Marchantia 
epiderma cells. The fluorescent intensity changes in the induced cell and the surrounding cells were 
measured to determine the movement of fluorescent proteins. 


Fig 4: The PD isolation procedure. We observed signals of our target protein in the western blot analysis only after the cell wall digestion. 


Fig 5: Protein identified by mass spectrometry after biotin labeling. We will survey through the virus only genes for further analysis.