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Program Results

Prof. Takehiko Kitamori _ Grow and expand the social impact of micro- and nanofluidics

Yushan FellowIssued by:National Tsing Hua UniversityNumber of click-through:707
Year of approval:2019/Year of research results:2022 /Academic field:Engineering/Scholar name:

Introduction to the event

1. Globalization

(1) Taiwan-Japan International industry-university collaboration: Contract between Daicel (Japanese chemical company)-NTHU collaborative R&D of “Variable Production System (Desktop Chemical Plant) by using Microfluidics”, JPY 450M for 5 years. Visit Daicel Corp. with NTHU RD VP and OCIC CEO and paid a courtesy visit to Senior Vice President Aihara of the University of Tokyo (UTokyo).

(2) Research collaboration with UTokyo for “Large-scale Microfluidic System for Desktop Chemical Plant” with Daicel.

(3) Taiwan-Sweden-Japan international research collaboration: Single Cell Proteomics (supported by SUMMIT/MOST). Research collaboration between NTHU-Lund University-The University of Tokyo is going on. Some important technologies like a nano mechanical valve were achieved. NYCU, Taipei Medical University Hospital, The UTokyo Hospital and Keio University have also joined this project.

(4) Promotion of high-level Taiwan-Japan exchange on science and technology: Several meetings with previous Vice Minister Dr. Tsou at MOST for exchanging information and opinions. Giving Keynote Lecture at “2021 Japan-Taiwan Symposium 台日智慧生醫論壇 ” (Nov. 11th) as a representative of Taiwanese side (NTHU).

(5) Exchange with Taiwan Embassy at Tokyo in Japan: Meeting with Ambassador Hsieh, Deputy Ambassador Chang, Senior Advisor Tsou, and arranging meeting between President Fujii of The University of Tokyo, and Senior Vice President Aihara. Making plan of Courtesy Visit to Ambassador Hsieh by President Ogawa of Daicel. Enhancing international exchange between academic and industrial sectors.

(6) Inviting international talents to Taiwan: Succeeded in Inviting Assistant Professor Kyojiro Morikawa and Professor Emeritus Hiroyuki Fujita to NTHU. 

(7) Enhancing international exchange at ITRI: Meeting with ITRI international section irregularly, and exchange strategies on Taiwan-Japan exchange on R&D and innovation.


2. Research promotion

(1) Operation of SUMMIT/MOST project: “Single Cell Proteomics” of 2nd year. Achieving important technologies like nano valve, and going to install into a total system in the near future.

(2) Establishing international university-industry R&D collaboration: Signing R&D contract between NTHU and Daicel (Japanese chemical company) on “Variable volume production system (desktop chemical plant)” which started from September 2021.

(3) Establishing domestic university-industry R&D collaboration: Signing R&D contract between NTHU and 北森微流體研發股份有限公司 (IMT-Taiwan).

(4) Promoting university-industry R&D collaboration: Negotiation between several Taiwanese companies and ITRI.

(5) Supervision: 21 graduate students, 2 PhD students, and 2 post-docs.

(6) Introducing international RD power: 1 post-doc at LU, 1 PhD student, 1 Post-doc, and 2 Assistant Professors in UTokyo are participating in SCP and DTP projects of NTHU.

(7) Setting up five research labs: for glass nanofabrication, single-cell micro- & nanofluidics proteomics, microfluidics, and desktop chemical plants, respectively.

(8) Publishing 33 peer-reviewed papers, delivering 31 invited lectures and organizing two international conferences.


3. Innovation

(1) Founding NTHU spinoff company: Establishing and registering 北森微流體研發股份有限公司 (IMT-Taiwan) on June 1st as a spinoff from NTHU. Providing job opportunities for Taiwanese people, and increasing employees rapidly.

(2) Founding NTHU-Daicel joint R&D center with Daicel: Establishing NTHU-Daicel Joint Research Center (Daicel JRDC) on October 5th, 2021 based on the collaborative R&D contract between NTHU and Daicel.

(3) Cultivating PhD talents: Daicel is going to provide scholarships for PhD students. The scholarship will be starting in 2023.


4. Teaching and lectures

Prof. Kitamori has offered 2 courses “Spectroscopic and Optical Detection and Analysis” and “Forum on Nano-/Microsystem Technology.” He also gave 20 lectures in the past year.


5. Honors

(1) Elected as a Foreign Member (Academicians) of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on September 9, 2020; delivered an invited lecture at KVA Class XIII (Engineering Science); joined the KVA General Assembly and Signing Ceremony.

(2) Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo in 2021.

(3) Awarded “Outstanding Research” by CHEMINAS with Profs. Yutaka Kazoe, Kyojiro Morikawa and Dr. Yuto Takagi. 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム会第43回研究会,“ナノ流体工学によるフェムトリッル液滴 MSインターフェス”.

(4) Awarded Industry Collaboration Excellence Award, 2021 by Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University.

(5) Awarded “Visual Movie Award” by CHEMINAS with Prof. Kyojiro Morikawa, Dr. Ryoichi Ohta, Kazuma Mawatari, 44th CHEMINAS “Cr フリー加工法によるガラス製拡張ナノ流路・マイクロの作製 ”.

(6) Awarded Excellent UIC Award (第八屆工學院傑出產學研究獎) by College of Engineering, National Tsing Hua University in 2022.

(7) Awarded NTHU Excellent UIC Award (第九屆傑出產學研究獎) by National Tsing Hua University in Sept. 2022.

Prof. Kitamori’s signing ceremony in KVA on Sept. 14, 2022.


Prof. Kitamori accompanied RD VP Prof. Po-Wen Chiu and OCIC CEO Bruce Lin to a meeting with Daicel CEO Ogawa on Dec. 13, 2022.

(from the left) Prof. Kitamori, Daicel CEO Ogawa, RD VP Prof. Po-Wen Chiu, OCIC CEO Bruce Lin


Prof. Kitamori was awarded NTHU Excellent UIC Award in Sept. 2022.

(from the left) President W. John Kao, Prof. Kitamori
