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Program Results

Perception, Analogical Deduction and Allegorization: International Conference on “Xing”

Yushan FellowIssued by:National Tsing Hua UniversityNumber of click-through:310
Year of approval:2018/Year of research results:2021 /Academic field:Humanities and Arts/Scholar name:CHAN Kwok Kou Leonard

Introduction to the event

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Science and Technology Council, and Research Center for Literary Thoughts and Discourses, NTHU co-hosted the Perception, Analogical Deduction and Allegorization: International Conference on “Xing” (Evocative Association) on 2021/12/17-18.

The aim of the international conference on Perception, Analogical Deduction and Allegorization is to provide a platform to facilitate exchanges on the study of “Xing” – the nexus of various conceptions of traditional Chinese poetics including perception, affection, analogical association, and imagination – among local and overseas scholars.

Prof. David Der-Wei Wang, Chair Professor of Harvard University, USA and Academician of Academia Sinica was the keynote speaker; Prof. Cheng, Yu-Yu, Chair Professor, Dept. of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University and Academician, Academia Sinica, and Prof. Yen Kun-Yang, Chair Professor, Dept. of Chinese Literature, Fu Jen Catholic University, participated in the conference’s “Featured Dialog”. Other overseas participants include scholars from Hong Kong, Japan, and the Netherlands.


Perception, Analogical Deduction and Allegorization: International Conference on “Xing”

Participants of the Perception, Analogical Deduction and Allegorization: International Conference on “Xing” (Evocative Association), Day 1


Perception, Analogical Deduction and Allegorization: International Conference on “Xing”

Participants of the Perception, Analogical Deduction and Allegorization: International Conference on “Xing” (Evocative Association), Day 2

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