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Program Results

Host International workshop “The future is illuminating”( Dr. Po-Yen Tseng )

Administrative Support Grant FellowIssued by:National Tsing Hua UniversityNumber of click-through:360
Year of approval:2021/Year of research results:2021 /Academic field:Sciences/Scholar name:Po-Yen Tseng

Introduction to the event

This is the second installment of the NCTS TG2.1 Hsinchu Hub Workshop after the "The Future is Dark". In this edition we discussed recent developments for

1. Dark Matter and Physics Beyond the Standard Model
2. Primordial Black Holes
3. Gravitational Waves and their Detectors
4. Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics

and their interplay. Due to the current pandemic situation we have decided to switch to fully online workshop.

Invited Speakers:
Mayumi Aoki (Kanazawa U.)
Sunghoon Jung (National Seoul U.)
Kazunori Kohri (KEK)
Kin-Wang Ng (Academia Sinica)
Amy Nicholson (North Carolina U.)
Enrico Rinaldi (U. Michigan & RIKEN)


Online meeting of “The Future is Illuminating” in Category of  High Energy Physics and Astrophysics at National Center for Theoretical Sciences Physics Division



Host International workshop “The future is illuminating”( Dr. Po-Yen Tseng )

group photo 1 of online participants


Host International workshop “The future is illuminating”( Dr. Po-Yen Tseng )

group photo 2 of online participants

Relevant attachments

Po-Yen Tseng Performance Report