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Program Results


Yushan FellowIssued by:National Chengchi UniverserityNumber of click-through:455
Year of approval:2021/Year of research results:2020 /Academic field:Social Sciences/Scholar name:Harry Harding

Introduction to the event


(8/1/2020 – 7/31/2021)


Harry Harding

National Chengchi University


New appointments


Elected to membership in the Royal Institute of International Affairs ( Chatham House),  London


Appointed member, Advisory Council, US-China Education Trust, Washington, DC


Appointed Advisor, Asia-Pacific Hub of the Reform for Resilience Commission, Taipei.

Administrative achievements


  • Facilitated the signing of an agreement on student and faculty exchange between NCCU and the University of Virginia.  Together with Shirley Lin, participated in a virtual briefing on NCCU for interested UVA officials.


  • Curriculum advisor, International College of Innovation

    Made initial contact between NCCU’s International College of Innovation and the Batten Honors College at Virginia Wesleyan University, which is looking for a partner in Taiwan.


  • Together with Professors Shirley Lin, Wang Liyun and Kuan Ping-yin, wrote two reports on the obstacles facing Taiwan’s plans to make Taiwan a bilingual society with an internationalized system of higher education, commissioned by the Talent Circulation Alliance (TCA) and the American Institute in Taiwan.  The first report based on research and individual interviews was submitted in November 2020 and the second report based on a roundtable discussion with experts was submitted in May 2021.


  • Together with Shirley Lin, several follow-on memos to the TCA memos were presented to address specific issues such as the Yushan Scholar program, bilingual education, liberal arts education, to facilitate meeting discussions at the National Development Council and the Ministry of Education in July-August 2021. These reports were subsequently conveyed to higher levels of the Taiwan government.


    Courses offered at NCCU


    IDAS 265814001: Taiwan in U.S.-China Relations (one-credit course, Fall 2020)




    “Change and Continuity in American Policy toward Taiwan,” in Mariah Thornton, Robert Ash, and Dafydd Fell (eds.) , Taiwan's Economic and Diplomatic Challenges and Opportunities (Routledge: 2021), pp. 147-157.


    “For China, Spades Are Trumps,” The Diplomat (January 9, 2021).

    Published interviews

  • Interviewed together with Shirley Lin by Commonwealth magazine for a special issue on the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, June 18, 2021.


  • Interviewed by Shannon Tiezzi and  Zhang  Juan of The Diplomat, published as Harry Harding, “The US, China, and a Cold War 2.0,” The Diplomat (October 21, 2020).


  • Interviewed by Mari Manninen, the of the Helsingin Sanomat (Helsinski Dispatch), the largest circulation daily newspaper in Finland and the other Nordic countries, on recent Chinese foreign policy, especially the “wolf warrior” phenomenon. The interview was published in Finnish on May 24, under the title “Why Do Chinese Diplomats Attack Like Trump and Generate Anger Around the World?” May 24, 2021.


Speeches and presentations


Participated in webinar on “Time for a Reset?” U.S.-China Relations During the Biden Administration, co-sponsored by the Center for American Studies, Fudan University, and the Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia, February 12, 2021.  Subsequently viewed 1,167 times on YouTube as of November 16, 2021.


On Populism, Elitism, and What’s Wrong With Both of Them,” presentation to the International College of Innovation, June 1, 2021


Joint presentation on the 2020 presidential elections with Robert Grieves, American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, and Simon Cox, Emerging Markets Editor, The Economist,  in the Union Bank of Switzerland’s Annual Financial Forum: “2020 Reshaping the Norm,” Hong Kong, August 27, 2020.   The program had more than 2,600 participants and as many as 22,660 views throughout the 4-1/2 hour event – a record for the American Chamber of Commerce for the year.


"Expert Chat" on “Are the U.S. and China Headed Toward a New Cold War?” Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, University of Virginia, August 26, 2020. Subsequently viewed 178 times on YouTube as of November 16, 2021.


“Expert Chat [with Shirley Lin] on “Challenges to the Internationalization of Higher Education: The Case of Taiwan” Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, University of Virginia, 25, 2021.  Subsequently viewed 123 times on YouTube as of November 16, 2021.


 “Implications of the U.S. Elections for the U.S. and Taiwan,” Lin, Joint presentation with Shirley Lin, College of Social Science, National Chengchi University, November 19, 2020.


“Prospects for America’s Taiwan Policy,” Joint presentation with Shirley Lin, Taipei Forum, November 23, 2021.


 “The Questions About the American Elections That Few People Are Asking, but Should Be,” Joint Meeting of Princeton and Stanford Alumni Clubs, Taipei, December 6, 2020.


Have Hong Kong and Taiwan Reached the End of the Road?” Joint presentation with Shirley Lin, Asian American Forum, Bethesda, Maryland, February 26, 2021.


Participated in webinar “Charting a Course for  a World of Disarray,” webinar with present and former deans, marking the bicentennial of Elliott School of International Affairs, March 26, 2021.

Project participation


  • Senior advisor to Project on China’s Vision for a New International Order, National Bureau for Asian Research.


  • Advisor to Project on How Small and Medium Powers Navigate Great Power Rivalry in Asia, School of Social Science, National Chengchi University.


  • Participant and contributor to Project on Managing Strategic Competition in US-China Relations, Georgetown University.

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