Program Results
Dr. Hung-Wen Chen’s first annual performance reporting
Introduction to the event
The following are the mainly completed works from Dr. Hung-Wen Chen in the first year:
1. Offer one course related to deep learning (Introduction to Deep Learning) and two for precise manufacturing (Industrial Laser Machining: Working Principles and Applications & Advanced Manufacturing Technology) in the 2020 academic year.
2. Co-PI in Taiwan Brain Technology Project.
3. Conduct an industry-academia collaboration for two years.
4. Publish a journal article as co-author, submit two international conference proceedings, and prepare to submit one journal article. Also, one patent application is preparing by the patent office and three patent applications are in the campus application process.
5. Dr. Chen’s research team is constructing the laboratory. Please refer the attached file for more specific results.
Dr. Chen ( the 3rd one from the right) led the team to visit HOCHON STAINLESS STEEL INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. to discuss the cross-field on November 25, 2020.