Program Results
2021 Annual report of Yushan scholar Dr. Jia-Ming Liu
Yushan FellowIssued by:National Chung Hsing UniversityNumber of click-through:390
Year of approval:2020/ Year of research results:2020
/ Academic field:Engineering/ Scholar name:Jia-Ming Liu
Introduction to the event
1.The NCHU team corporate with Yushan Scholar, Prof. Jia-Ming Liu of UCLA smoothly through online weekly discussions during the pandemic of COVID-19.
2.On March 5, hosted by the Dean of EECS, NCHU, Prof. Guu-Chang Yang, we set up an online meeting discussion for the weekly workshop. The participants are Prof. Zingway Pei, Prof. Chin-Nein Liu, Chin-Yu Hsu (On-Site) and Prof. Jia-Ming Liu, and Prof. Woodhi Cheng from the US (Online).
3.Four Professors and one Ph.D. Student (Prof. Zingway Pei, Prof. Yue-Long Chiang, Prof. Wan-Shao Tsai, Prof. Chen-Nein Liu, and Kai-Chie Chang) visit the Lab (Managed by Prof. Hsin-Chieh Yu) set-up by Prof, Liu previously at Tainan branch, National Yang-Ming Chiao-Tung University.