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Program Results

Joule heating and heat dissipation in 3D IC technology

Yushan FellowIssued by:National Chiao Tung UniversityNumber of click-through:346
Year of approval:2019/Year of research results:2020 /Academic field:Engineering/Scholar name:King-Ning Tu

Introduction to the event

In the Covid-19 virus pandemic period, the trend of distance teaching, distance medicine, home office, and on-line meeting has increased greatly the need of advanced consumer electronic products, demanding smaller form factor, larger memory, more functions, faster and larger data collection and transmission, cheaper cost, and superb reliability.   At the same time, 5G advanced communication technology and 3D IC devices have begun their impact to our society, and many new artificial intelligence (AI) applications have been invented.   
With the perceived slowing down of Moore’s law of miniaturization of Si chip technology, 3D IC is most promising in achieving more-than-Moore, wherein the up-scale of packaging technology is critical.  We ask what are the challenging issues in electronic packaging technology that are essential in the near future development of semiconductor technology? Joule heating and thermal management are most important. 
An electronic device in operation is an open system because electrical charges flow in and out of the device.  While the number of charges in transport is conserved, entropy production is not.  The waste heat in entropy production is Joule heating on the basis of irreversible processes.  We want to design low power devices, which is a low heat production device.   
In microelectronic industry, statistical analysis of failure requires the knowing of mean-time-to-failure (MTTF).  Example is Black’s equation of MTTF for elctromigration.  In this program, we have developed a unified model of MTTF for electromigration, thermomigration, and stress-migration on the basis of entropy production.  We have verified that in Black’s equation, MTTF depends on j2 rather than j, where j is current density, which has been a controversial point for a long time.  Also we have provided MTTF for thermomigration and stress-migration, which have not been given before.

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