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2023 Yushan Fellow Academic Symposium and Networking Event

Release date:2023-11-25Issued by:教育部Number of click-through:300

On November 11, 2023, we hosted the “2023 Yushan Fellow Academic Symposium and Networking Event”, an annual gathering designed to seamlessly integrate an academic symposium with networking opportunities. 

With 80 Yushan Fellows and Young Fellows in attendance, the symposium served as a platform for showcasing cutting-edge research and fostering connections among esteemed scholars. The highlight of this year's event was the participation of seven distinguished Yushan Fellows: Prof. Redouane Borsali, Prof. Hing Chi Jimmy Chan, Prof. Jean-Marc Egly, Prof. Wilhelm Gruissem, Prof. Chih-Ming Ho, Prof. Po-Hsuan Hsu, and Prof. Charles W. Tu. These eminent Yushan Fellows graciously shared their academic insights and experiences, enriching the symposium with their expertise.

Beyond showcasing research accomplishments, the symposium aimed to facilitate academic connections and social networks among participants. Fellows from various disciplines engaged in lively discussions, exchanged ideas, and forged new collaborations, laying the groundwork for future academic endeavors.

The "2023 Yushan Fellow Academic Symposium and Networking Event" underscored the importance of collaborative scholarship and the role of platforms like these in advancing knowledge and fostering interdisciplinary dialogue. As the symposium concluded, participants departed with enriched perspectives and strengthened academic networks, poised to contribute meaningfully in their respective fields.